Amanda Bearcroft is the Director of Community & Economic Development for the City of Amsterdam. She has taken an aggressive approach towards securing funding for the city, while creating partnerships that will strategically build a new, diverse and sustainable Amsterdam. She has developed and managed a wide range of planning and economic development projects including the City’s DRI, waterway development, brownfield development plans, development projects, land use regulations, and recreation plans. Her experience centers around developing realistic plans by linking the community’s needs with the priorities of local, regional, and state agencies for a comprehensive approach.
Emma is a Planner with C&S Engineers. After graduating from University at Buffalo with her degree in Urban Planning and a concentration in Community Development Emma began working on environmental planning projects within the Environmental group at C&S. Emma now has the opportunity to work across New York State in diverse communities and organizations ranging in size on Brownfield Opportunity Area Plans, the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, site specific redevelopment plans and environmental due diligence such as Phase I’s and State Environmental Quality Review. Emma also assists with environmental grant writing through the Environmental Protection Agency including Brownfield Assessment Grants at the local and county level.
Environmental Department Manager, PG
Daniel Riker is the Environmental Department Manager at C&S Companies, with nearly 25 years of experience in environmental services, with expertise including preliminary site assessments, phase I and II environmental site assessments, treatment technology assessments, site characterization, grant writing remedial investigations, remedial design, and brownfield cleanup projects. Dan has also developed a brownfield redevelopment specialty that includes planning, assessments, investigations, alternatives analysis, remedial design, and cleanup projects. His responsibilities include management of projects and staff and coordination with state and federal regulatory agencies.
Planner & Project Manager, AICP
Eve Holberg, a Planner and Project Manager with Joy Kuebler Landscape Architect, is an award-winning urban planner with more than 25 years of experience across the US and Canada. Eve has a journalism background and was a reporter, editor and photographer prior to becoming a professional planner. Eve works on a variety of projects including economic development strategies, feasibility studies, corridor management, community revitalization and downtown redevelopment strategies as well as comprehensive plans for communities of all sizes.